Reference Source


import { pipe } from "rxjs";
import { bufferCount, scan, filter } from "rxjs/operators";

import { bufferToEpoch } from "../utility/bufferToEpoch";

import {
  EPOCH_DURATION as defaultEpochDuration,
  EPOCH_INTERVAL as defaultEpochInterval,
  SAMPLING_RATE as defaultSamplingRate,
  DATA_PROP as defaultDataProp
} from "../../constants";

 * Converts a stream of individual Samples of EEG data into a stream of Epochs of a given duration emitted at specified interval. This operator functions similarly to a circular buffer internally and allows overlapping Epochs of data to be emitted (e.g. emitting the last one second of data every 100ms).
 * @method epoch
 * @example eeg$.pipe(epoch({ duration: 1024, interval: 100, samplingRate: 256 }))
 * @param {Object} options - Epoching options
 * @param {number} [options.duration=256] Number of samples to include in each epoch
 * @param {number} [options.interval=100] Time (ms) between emitted Epochs
 * @param {number} [options.samplingRate=256] Sampling rate
 * @param {string} [options.dataProp='data'] Name of the key associated with eeg data
 * @returns {Observable} Epoch
export const epoch = ({
  duration = defaultEpochDuration,
  interval = defaultEpochInterval,
  samplingRate = defaultSamplingRate,
  dataProp = defaultDataProp
} = {}) =>
    scan((acc, val) =>
      acc.concat(val).slice(acc.length < duration ? 0 : -duration)
    filter(samplesArray => samplesArray.length === duration),
    bufferToEpoch({ samplingRate, dataProp })